Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Vintage Paris Ribbon Necklace

I always prefer to wear more fiber in the summer.  It is so lightweight and colorful.
This necklace is a perfect example of everything I love.

My unique pendant beads are actually vintage french ribbon.

Each year in Paris, I look for ribbon samples 
that salespeople used to show customers a ribbon collection.

This year I did really well in the Paris antique markets.  I found several boards like this one.
You can see an entire collection of the same design in many color options.

The strips are just long enough to create these little ribbon "pocket beads."

I folded my ribbons and secured a ribbon edge metal component to create a finished edge.

I stuffed the beads with a little felt and hand sewed the sides closed.
With my beads completed, I strung my necklace with beads in a similar bright color palette.

The bead strands were a gift from Sarah James and Candie Cooper.
Thanks girls!

1 comment:

  1. Carmi! This is perfect! I'm drooling over your Parisian ribbon beads too. Ooo la la! Haha! Thanks for the shout out too. XOXO.
